members meeting &
RTNZ-TNZ Connect 2024


RTNZ Members Meeting

Wednesday 28 February
9:00am – 5:00pm 
Cordis Hotel, Auckland

RTNZ-TNZ Connect 2024

Thursday 29 February
8:00am – 5:00pm
Auckland War Memorial Museum | Auckland Domain


The RTNZ Members Meeting starts at 9:00am. Please ensure you are at the Cordis Hotel ready to start at this time. Tea and coffee will be available prior to our start time. 

We are working hard to ensure that this event is as sustainable as possible. You can read more on this below. Water jugs and glasses will be available however we encourage you to bring your own water bottle and reusable keep cup. There will be no pens or pads. You are welcome to bring your own laptop but please note that there is no power available at the tables. 

For the Connect event, please bring your own lanyard. This needs to have your name and organisation clearly displayed. 

We ask that you do not print the agenda. This is available to download and save to your phone from the link above. 


We have worked hard with our conference venue provider Cordis to ensure that this event is sustainable. Some of the initiatives you will notice are: 

– No single use plastic. This extends to single use sugar and individually wrapped tea bags. This will mean a slightly smaller selection of teas. 
– Beverages provided are locally sourced. 
– Excess food from the event will be composted. 
– You will be provided with a cloth napkin in replacement for any paper napkins, we ask that you hold on this for the day, these will then be washed with the table covers. 
–  A special menu has been prepared with local and sustainable items. 
– Following the event, the conference venue will calculate our carbon footprint and we can offset this.