regional tourism organisations
PHOTO CREDIT: Kaitiaki Rafting, Rotorua (Miles Holden)
Regional Tourism Organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand
There are 31 Regional Tourism Organisations, (RTOs) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Each organisation is structured differently, reflective of their own community’s view of tourism, its promotion and on-going development.
RTOs are acknowledged and respected as the key regional agencies responsible for fostering and promoting regional tourism development.
Welcoming, supportive communities are a vital part of what New Zealand has to offer our visitors, be they international guests, or Kiwis discovering their own place. To ensure New Zealanders continue to offer manaakitanga to our visitors, it is essential that our destinations are well managed to meet the needs of both residents and visitors.
While there are major variations in RTO scale and structure, nearly all RTOs are defined by the following common key goal:
To provide sustainable economic, environmental, social, and cultural benefits, through tourism, to the local community.
RTOs are community based, professionally staffed and well linked into the wider visitor industry networks at regional, national and international levels. Therefore, RTO’s are best equipped to lead communities in developing destination management plans, and implementing locally agreed and supportive strategies that enhance their place in a sustainable and regenerative manner.
These strategies, tactics and programmes, run by RTOs, also vary depending on their community’s aspirations for tourism. By placing a destination management lens across all RTO activities surety is provided to communities that their voices are being heard, and an atmosphere of pride in their place, which ultimately reflects in a positive visitor experience.